What Is Automatic Delivery?

Don’t Get Locked Into Loosing Money!

People often ask why we do not offer lock in rates. This is because most oil companies use lock in rates to take advantage of their customers. When you lock into a rate, you’re stuck paying an inflated price while the price of oil sees a common annual dip in price towards the end of the season. When you sign up for our automatic delivery service, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you’re always paying what’s fair, never more than you should!

Make Running Out Of Oil A Thing Of The Past!

When customers call in need of a last-minute delivery, we do everything we can to accommodate them. However, due to uncontrollable circumstances such as inclement weather or a sheer lack of availability, there are times when we cannot make the delivery that day. Aside from paying better attention to your gauge, what can really be done to avoid this?

We can’t count how many times we get last minute calls from our customers on the verge of running out of home heating oil…

Signing up for Automatic Delivery ensures that you NEVER run out of Heating Oil.

When you sign up for Automatic Delivery, worrying about running out of oil becomes a thing of the past. Our internal software tracks your oil usage and automatically tells us when you’ll need another delivery. After the first 2 deliveries, our software will have generated and began tracking your personal oil burn rate, ensuring that you get your oil when you need it most. Additionally, the daily temperature is factored into when you’ll need a delivery, that way we’ll be there when you need it most and not when you don’t!

Customers who sign up for Automatic Delivery get the 150 Gallon rate on every delivery,

even if you take less!

On top of that, when you sign up for our automatic oil delivery service, you save money by always paying the 150-gallon rate NO MATTER HOW MANY GALLONS YOU TAKE. Normally, when a customer takes less than 150 gallons, their cost per gallon rises in accordance with the amount of oil delivered. Signing up for our Automatic Delivery Service makes this a non-issue, ultimately giving you peace of mind and saving you money!

Interested in becoming an Automatic Delivery Customer?

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